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Hagen Roesler – “I can see your tears” will uplift your spirit

JamSphere Music Magazine

Hagen Roesler

JamSphere Music Magazine: Posted By: Buddy NelsonPosted date: July 22, 2021 in: Reviews

Hagen Roesler is a singer, songwriter and producer from Bremerhaven, Germany. After producing other artists for about 20 years as head of the indie label “Hope-Music”, he decided to produce songs for his own comeback to the stage. The first single, “Chainbreaker,” released in August 2020, was played on radio stations in 12 countries and received more than 200,000 views on YouTube. Encouraged by this, he went into the studio to produce a full album - "Immanuel", which will be released in August 2021. Friends from seven different nations worked with Hagen on the album “Immanuel,” a great experience in the time of a global pandemic.
The single “I can see your tears” from the aforementioned album was pre-released as a music video on YouTube. For this publication, Hagen Roesler & Friends transformed a song with a positive, Christian message into an elegant, danceable and listenable pop-rock song that has deep meaning and heart at the same time. It's a great, energetic song with a heartbreaking beat that makes you want to get up out of your chair and dance from the first few bars.
Years of experience in the industry have definitely given Hagen Roesler more confidence and ease in dealing with his music, as he has never sounded better. The crisp, infectious vocals, along with the electrifying pop vibe, make for an exceptionally infectious track that could easily be heard on mainstream pop radio.
The joyful hymn celebrates the gift of each day, surrounded by God's mercy, knowing that in Him believers have the freedom to live a full life full of hope and the love of the Savior as He sees, hears and feels everything , what you do.
“I can see your tears even when your face is dry. I can feel your fears even when you don't cry. I can look into your heart, I can see every part. Hear what no one hears and dry your tears,” sings Hagen, explaining why we must never lose hope and trust that God’s faithfulness will lead us exactly where we are meant to be.
Overall, Hagen Roesler & Friends a song full of hope that will lift your spirit and shift the focus from the earthly struggles we all face back to the One who is able to ease our burdens.
When we keep our eyes firmly on God, He will help us navigate the unknown future that lies ahead. But even if you somehow ignore the lyrics, “I can see your tears” will cheer you up musically. Of course, the subtle beauty of a song like this is that Hagen never throws the Bible wildly at anyone.
Hagen Roesler chooses his words carefully and tries to reach everyone who hears this title. Hagen recognizes the importance of Christians putting their faith into action and reaching out to others in words and actions to share the message of Jesus and what He has done in their lives.
This comes through in his spirited performance and the messages he conveys. “I can see your tears” is a catchy pop-rock song with courage and verve that you will repeat many times.

(From English)




Written By Taylor Valery

A&R and Music Reviewer Liaison


There is cause for celebration! Why? Well, on YouTube 'Chainbreaker' has already amassed more than 35k views, which is incredible for an indie song having only been out for a month. That acclaim easily represents the many people who are loving the wisdom of Psalm 95 interpreted through song.

'Chainbreaker' sounds like a song performed for Thanksgiving Sunday service. A song the choir sings after the benediction, praising the most high. A song on praise and worship radio stations promoting the good news. 'Chainbreaker' sounds like a secret fact of life, beyond the noise of society.

This song is water for the parched plants. Vocally, this dynamic duo successfully sings in unison, and it sounds like blissful anointing. The way Silke & Hagen’s high energy and camaraderie are felt through the song, and amplified in the music video, suggests uniting with others can create magic.

The Story Behind 'Chainbreaker':

One’s faith in God can be measured by one’s faith in himself. After watching the music video for ‘Chainbreaker,’ it’s obvious Silke and Hagen have admirable faith. The surety in their vocals, and the rightness of their lyrics show me an undoable tether to Christ. It also shows me their willingness to praise God openly, just as Psalms 95 encourages us to do....

Read full review here:

Silke & Hagen Roesler's New Single ‘Chainbreaker’ Is Gaining Amazing Traction On YouTube (

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